All classes are held at Little Carnegie of the South, 1962 Forsyth Street, Macon, Georgia and are taught by Juilliard graduate, Louise Barfield, concert pianist,and founder and director of Little Carnegie of the South. Children, teens, and adults are introduced to classical music emphasizing different periods of music:
- September - Middle Ages / Renaissance and Baroque Music
- October - Classical Music
- November - Romantic Music
- December - Conservatory is not in session
- January - Impressionistic Music
- February- 20th Century Music
- March - 21st Century Music
All classes include a continuation of instrument recognition and a comparison of different art forms such as architecture, painting and dance with the development of music through the centuries.. Live performances by professional musicians will take place at Little Carnegie of the South. Field trips related to the curriculum both in and out of state may be organized during the year.
Home schooled students may enroll in a Friday morning class, 9:30 - 11:30. Public and private school students may enroll in a Tuesday evening class, 7:00 - 9:00 PM or a Saturday morning class , 9:30 - 11:30. A snack will be served each day. Please inform Louise Barfield of any special health considerations.
Supplies needed: (These must be brought to the first class)
- a 1½ inch lose leaf notebook with lined notebook paper
- 1 package of sheet protectors.
- sectional dividers
- 1 composition book.
- pencils and erasers
- 4 high lighters of different colors.
Public and private school students will receive partial credit for community service and home schooled students will receive credit toward their arts requirements for graduation. At the completion of the year each student will receive a Certificate of Achievement from the Little Carnegie Conservatory of Music.
For more information, call (478) 256-3388 or please contact us..

Become A Sponsor
Individuals or Corporations are invited to sponsor any
concert of art exhibit in this series.
Little Carnegieof the south is a non-profit organization and all
sponsorships and contributions are tax deductible.